Honorary Degrees, University Medals and Distinguished Service Awards Full List A-Z

Honorary Degrees

Recognition of outstanding achievement in one or more of the following areas: intellectual contributions, university service, and/or public service.

University Medals

Recognition of those persons whose achievements and contributions are particularly associated with the university.

Distinguished Service Awards

Recognition of achievements and contributions particularly associated with the state and/or nation.

Name Award Year
Wagner , Judith B. Distinguished Service Award 2005
Wahlstrom , Ernest E. Stearns Award 1968
Wakefield , Iona Hammel University Medal 1981
Walden , Ida B. Distinguished Service Award 1995
Waldrop , A. Gayle Stearns Award 1968
Walker , Richard F. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1976
Walker , Samuel "Sam" University Medal 2023
Wallace , George Mackenzie Distinguished Service Award 1985
Wallach , Diane Gates Humane Letters 2015
Wallbank , Stanley T. Alumni Recognition Award 1968
Wallison , Peter J. Humane Letters 2011
Walseth , Russell Athletic Hall of Honor 1973
Walseth , Russell M. Stearns Award 1967
Walton , Claude Alumni Recognition Award 1975
Walton , Harold Stearns Award 1981
Walton , Harold University Medal 1995
Waltz , Howard B. Stearns Award 1975
Ward , Judy Distinguished Service Award 2002
Wardenburg , Frederic A. Alumni Recognition Award 1955
Wardenburg , Frederic A. Doctor of Science 1960
Wardenburg , Frederick A. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1966
Waring , Houstoun Norlin Award 1962
Waring , Houstoun Humane Letters 1979
Waring , James J. Norlin Award 1951
Waring , James Johnston Doctor of Science 1956
Warkde , Lynn Distinguished Service Award 2025
Warner , Lawrence A. Stearns Award 1963
Warren , Nate C. Outstanding Colorado Business Award 1940
Wartgow , Jerry Distinguished Service Award 2004
Wartgow , Jerry Humane Letters 2017
Wasley , Robert S. Stearns Award 1977
Wasson , W. Walter Norlin Award 1960
Wastneberg , F.M., "Dutch" Alumni Recognition Award 1982
Waters , Frank Humane Letters 1983
Watkins , Ronald D. Doctor of Humane Letters 1976
Watson , Thomas J. Doctor of Laws 1972
Wayne , Frances Belford University Recognition Medal 1922
Weaver , Ron University Medal 2016
Webb , Wilma Honorary Degree 2025
Webb , Gerald Bertram Doctor of Science 1938
Webb , Wellington E. Humane Letters 1982
Webber , William Stearns Award 1986
Weber , Arnold R. University Medal 1984
Weber , Arnold R. Laws 1988
Webster , Bethuel M. Norlin Award 1968
Webster , Bethuel Matthew Doctor of Laws 1972
Weigand , Hermann J. Doctor of Humane Letters 1968
Weinberger , Jacob Alumni Recognition Award 1952
Weinberger , Jacob Norlin Award 1965
Weingardt , Richard G. Distinguished Service Award 1998
Weingardt , Richard G. Science 2011
Weir , Walter D. Thomas Jefferson Award 1965
Weiske , Barbara Distinguished Service Award 2020
Welborn , Frances N., (Salty) Distinguished Service Award 1990
Welch , William (Posthumously) Thomas Jefferson Award 1978
Welles , Charles Harold B.S. (Pharmacy) 1910
West , William A. Distinguished Service Award 1997
Westfall , Herbert F. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1976
Weston , William University Medal 2022
Wheat , Joe Ben Stearns Award 1982
Wheeler , James Rignall Doctor of Laws 1914
Whitaker , Francis Doctor of Humane Letters 1976
Whitaker , Milton Clarence Doctor of Laws 1913
White , Donald "Don" University Medal 2023
White , Bryon R. Doctor of Laws 1963
White , Byron R. Norlin Award 1961
White , Byron R. Athletic Hall of Honor 1967
White , Clayton S. Norlin Award 1972
White , Gilbert F. Thomas Jefferson Award 1973
White , Gilbert F. University Medal 1982
White , Gilbert F. Science 2006
White , Ken R. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1970
White , Leslie A. Doctor of Laws 1970
White , Mahlon (Butch) White University Medal 1990
White , William M. Outstanding Colorado Business Award 1954
Whitehead , Edwin R. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1972
Whitehead , Richard W. Alumni Recognition Award 1970
Wiant , Chris Distinguished Service Award 2016
Wiegers , Geoge Science 2016
Wilcox , Charles University Medal 2000
Willard , E. Warren University Recognition Medal 1970
Willard , J. Lee Alumni Recognition Award 1956
Willard , J. Lee Athletic Hall of Honor 1968
Williams , Glenn University Medal 2009
Williams , Olwen Stearns Award 1980
Williams , Patrick Humane Letters 1983
Williams , Richard B. Distinguished Service Award 2011
Williams , Everett University Recognition Medal 1976
Williams , George University Recognition Medal 1976
Williams , George M. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1968
Williams , George Z. Doctor of Science 1968
Willison , George F. Master of Letters 1946
Wilson , A. D. Alumni Recognition Award 1940
Wilson , Eugene H. Stearns Award 1965
Wilson , Eugene H. University Recognition Medal 1973
Wilson , Floyd M. Outstanding Colorado Business Award 1942
Wilson , Harry Noble Doctor of Divinity 1908
Wilson , Idonna Wiggleworth Alumni Recognition Award 1960
Wilson , Richard D. Thomas Jefferson Award 1966
Wilson, Jr. , David Doctor of Science 2008
Winks , Robin W. Humane Letters 1987
Wirth , Michael K. University Medal 2013
Wirth , Timothy E. Doctor of Humane Letters 1993
Witt , Norman F. Stearns Award 1968
Wolf , James B. University Medal 2002
Wolf , Robert J. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1974
Wolfson , Robert "Bob" Distinguished Service Award 2025
Wolle , Francis Stearns Award 1954
Wolle , Muriel Sibell Stearns Award 1966
Wood , C. Marie Stearns Award 1980
Wood , Myron Doctor of Humane Letters 1993
Wood , Wade Alumni Recognition Award 1963
Woodbridge , Frederick Doctor of Laws 1915
Woodford , Joseph C. Distinguished Service Award 2004
Woodhull , John R. University Medal 1991
Woodman , Betty Humane Letters 2006
Woodrich , C.B. Humane Letters 1986
Woods , Patrick M. Alumni Recognition Award 1975
Woole , Francis University Medal 1977
Woole , Muriel Sibell Norlin Award 1957
Worcester , Philip G. Norlin Award 1946
Worcester , Willis G. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1971
Worcester , Willis G. (Posthumously) Norlin Award 1970
Work , Hubert Doctor of Science 1925
Worthington , Carl Distinguished Service Award 1984
Wozniak , Stephen G. Science 1989
Wright , Richard University Medal 1995