Honorary Degrees, University Medals and Distinguished Service Awards Full List A-Z

Honorary Degrees

Recognition of outstanding achievement in one or more of the following areas: intellectual contributions, university service, and/or public service.

University Medals

Recognition of those persons whose achievements and contributions are particularly associated with the university.

Distinguished Service Awards

Recognition of achievements and contributions particularly associated with the state and/or nation.

Name Award Year
Fajgenbaum , David C. Distinguished Service Award 2012
Farley , Kathleen M. & Thomas T. Distinguished Service Award 1993
Farman , Joseph C. Hd--science 1996
Farrand , Livingston Doctor of Laws 1919
Farrington , M.D., John University Medal 2009
Fassler , Virginia Stearns Award 1977
Fastie , William G. Science 1990
Fayez , Zuhair Humane Letters 2010
Felix , Robert H. Norlin Award 1966
Felix , Robert Hanna Doctor of Science 1953
Ferrill , Thomas Hornsby Doctor of Letters 1960
Fest , Thorrel B. Stearns Award 1971
Fielder , John Distinguished Service Award 2000
Finch , Tudor R. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1979
Fine , Eben G. University Recognition Medal 1946
Finesilver , Sherman G. Laws 1988
Finley Fortune , Stephannie Distinguished Service Award 2025
Finoff , Dr. William Norlin Award 1934
Fittz , Senga Nengudi Distinguished Service Award 1994
Flanagan , Alvin G. Humane Letters 1987
Flanders , Jr., Laurence B. Alumni Recognition Award 1959
Flanders , Mrs. Eleanor Carlson Alumni Recognition Award 1964
Fleming , David E. Alumni Recognition Award 1971
Fleming , Robert G. Alumni Recognition Award 1972
Flemming , David E. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1973
Fletcher , James C. Science 1987
Folsom , F. G. Alumni Recognition Award 1941
Folsom , Franklin Norlin Award 1974
Folsom , Mary Elting Norlin Award 1974
Ford , Loretta C. Distinguished Service Award 1983
Ford , Loretta C. Doctor of Science 1997
Foster , Mark University Medal 2007
Fowler , Gene Master of Letters 1947
Fowler , Les Athletic Hall of Honor 1974
Fox , Jack J. Norlin Award 1984
Fox , Jonathan R, Distinguished Service Award 1995
Francis , Michael S. Phd Science 2010
Francis , Richard P. University Medal 1992
Frank , Rebecca Distinguished Service Award 1992
Franklin , Jr.,walter B. Alumni Recognition Award 1977
Franklin , Walter B. Athletic Hall of Honor 1976
Franklin , Walter Byron Stearns Award 1955
Frasier , George W. Doctor of Laws 1927
Frazier , Calvin M. Distinguished Service Award 1981
Frazier , Kendrick Norlin Award 1985
Freed , Nettie Schwer Doctor of Education 1951
French , A. James (Posthumously) Science 1985
Freytag , J. William University Medal 2011
Friedman , William S. Doctor of Laws 1906
Fryt , Mike University Medal 2016
Fuller , Jackson F. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1974
Fuller , Jackson Stearns Award 1984
Fuller , Kenneth R. University Medal 1995
Fuller , R. Buckminster Doctor of Science 1964
Fullerton , W. Bruce Alumni Recognition Award 1970