News & Resources


Statement of Callie Rennison, CU Board of Regents Chair and Ken Montera, CU Board of Regents Vice Chair

As the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Regents, we have requested an independent review of Regent Wanda James' recent efforts to eliminate certain state funding for the Colorado School of Public Health. In 2021, the Colorado legislature created and funded a program directing the Colorado School
Eric Schmidt
CU Connections

In Memoriam: Regent Emeritus Eric W. Schmidt

Regent Emeritus Eric W. Schmidt, who served on the Board of Regents from 1973 to 1979, died Jan. 26, 2025. He was 91.
hand with pen and budget charts
CU Connections

Regents Begin Considering Budget Scenarios for 2025-26

Details vary among three scenarios, which are dependent on the amount of state funding and other factors.
honorary medal graphic
CU Connections

Regents Honor Exceptional Achievers with Annual Awards

The University of Colorado Board of Regents has announced the 2025 list of individuals receiving Honorary Degrees, Distinguished Service Awards and University Medals.
Jerry Rutledge
CU Connections

In Memoriam: Regent Emeritus Jerry G. Rutledge

Regent Emeritus Rutledge, who represented Colorado’s 5th Congressional District on the Board of Regents from 1995-2007, died Jan. 9, 2025. He was 80.
Regent swearing-in January 2025
CU Connections

Three Regents Take Their Oaths of Office

Board of Regents Vice Chair Ken Montera was reelected to his seat in District 5, Elliott Hood was elected by voters statewide as the board’s at-large member, and Ray Scott was elected in the 3rd Congressional District.
Kerry Tipper

CU Board of Regents vote to name Kerry Tipper Next Vice President, University Counsel of the CU System

Tipper currently serves as the Denver city attorney, a post she has held since her appointment in November 2022 by then Mayor Michael Hancock. She was reappointed to the position by Mayor Mike Johnston in September 2023. She will start at CU on March 1, 2025.
CU Regent Seal

Freedom of Expression

Congratulations on starting the next stage of your academic journey. The Board of Regents is proud to count you as one of the University of Colorado’s newest students, and we welcome you to our community of scholars. When Colorado’s voters elected us to serve, we took an oath to uphold and protect
Board of Regents 2024 July Retreat
Daily Camera

CU Officials Discuss Vision for the Future

Officials at the University of Colorado heard updates on systemwide goals before considering a new vision for the future at the Board of Regents retreat in Bailey.
Statement Graphic

Statement from University of Colorado Board of Regents on Auraria Campus Protests

The University of Colorado Board of Regents is actively monitoring the protest on the Auraria Campus. We support the rights of our students, faculty, staff and campus visitors to exercise their First Amendment rights. We expect everyone to respect the learning, teaching and business environment that
CU Regent Seal
CU Connections

Regents Give Approval to 2024-25 Recommendations on Tuition, Fees and Compensation

At its April meeting, the CU Board of Regents voted to approve recommendations on tuition, fees, and compensation for the 2024-25 fiscal year. The plan invests in CU faculty and staff and helps keep tuition increases in check, which was made possible by the state’s investment of over a 9% increase
Efficiencies Chart Graphic
CU Connections

CU Achieves $428 Million in Operating Efficiencies Over Six-year Period

Delivering on the University of Colorado’s commitment to carrying out its educational and research mission efficiently, the CU system achieved $428 million in operating efficiencies from the 2017-18 fiscal year through the 2022-23 fiscal year.
Colorado State Capitol
CU Connections

CU-led Legislation Aims to Improve College Affordability

As proposed, House Bill 24-1340 creates a student incentive tied to the top jobs identified as in- demand jobs by the state of Colorado and creates a framework for an incentive around rewarding student transfer of college credit from Colorado high schools or public two-year institutions to Colorado
CU Statement Image

Statement From Board of Regents on UCCS Campus Shooting

We were saddened to learn about this morning's tragedy at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs campus, which authorities are currently investigating. As we are learning from communications being sent by law enforcement authorities and campus leadership, it appears this was an isolated incident.
Campus images
CU Connections

University of Colorado Campuses Drive $10.8 Billion in Economic Impact

With the inclusion of CU affiliate hospitals, the figure reaches $17.2 billion.
CU leaders meet with members of the Vail Valley business community.

Can Higher Education Help Solve Eagle County’s Workforce Challenges?

CU leaders visited the Colorado Mountain College Vail Valley campus for a discussion with local business and nonprofit leaders about top workforce challenges. The roundtable was part of CU's Summer Outreach Tour, which took university representatives across the state to hear from communities about their needs.
Regent Ken Montera, Regent Emeritus Kyle Hybl and Col Vik Bebarta, M.D.
CU Connections

CU Center for COMBAT Research’s Mission in Spotlight at Joint Event with El Pomar Foundation

Regent Ken Montera, vice chair, and Regent Emeritus Kyle Hybl co-hosted the event at the Penrose House in Colorado Springs.
Regents on Southern Colorado Outreach Tour
CU Connections

CU Summer Outreach Tour Continues in Southern Colorado

Regents and other system leaders met with community members and students on a recent trip to the region that included stops in Pueblo and Pueblo West, Cañon City, Florence, Walsenburg, La Veta and Trinidad.
President Todd Saliman and CU community members.
CU Connections

CU Celebrates LGBTQ+ Community at Denver Pride

CU marked its eighth consecutive year as a proud sponsor of Denver Pride, the annual festival, parade and 5K race celebrating the LGBTQ+ community.
Regents Callie Rennison and Ken Montera
CU Connections

Regents Elect Callie Rennison as Chair, Ken Montera as Vice Chair

The nine regents elected both Rennison and Montera by acclamation during the board’s June meeting at the University of Colorado Boulder.
CU Regents In the News

CU’s Summer Outreach Tour Included Burlington

University of Colorado leaders kicked off this year’s summer outreach to communities across the state with a visit to several eastern plains communities May 15-17.
Regent Rennison and Joe Penny
CU Connections

CU’s Summer Outreach Tour Kicks Off with Visit to Colorado’s Eastern Plains

During the three-day trip to Burlington, Kit Carson, Hugo and Limon, the CU group met with community leaders, public school administrators, elected officials, health care providers, business leaders, and students and families.
Regent Mark VanDriel at his swearing-in ceremony in January 2023.
CU Connections

Five Questions for Mark VanDriel

Regent touts CU’s ‘special place in the higher education landscape.’
Commercial University Seal
CU Connections

Regents begin consideration of 2023-24 budget possibilities

The Board of Regents has begun the work of determining the 2023-24 budget for the four-campus system with consideration of three potential budget scenarios for the fiscal year.