Honorary Degrees, University Medals and Distinguished Service Awards Full List A-Z

Honorary Degrees

Recognition of outstanding achievement in one or more of the following areas: intellectual contributions, university service, and/or public service.

University Medals

Recognition of those persons whose achievements and contributions are particularly associated with the university.

Distinguished Service Awards

Recognition of achievements and contributions particularly associated with the state and/or nation.

Name Award Year
Caile , William And Sara University Medal 2004
Cajori , Florian Doctor of Laws 1912
Calderwood , Stanford Norlin Award 1986
Caldwell , Elvin R. Distinguished Service Award 1982
Caldwell , Linda Alumni Recognition Award 1986
Caldwell , Robert Alumni Recognition Award 1986
Calhoun , Clifford Stearns Award 1982
Callahan , Daniel Humane Letters 1990
Calonge , Ned Distinguished Service Award 2024
Camp , Bonnie University Medal 2022
Campbell , David P. Humane Letters 1998
Campbell , E. Ray Alumni Recognition Award 1945
Campbell , James C. University Medal 1997
Campbell , John Doctor of Laws 1934
Campbell , Prince Lucien Doctor of Laws 1913
Cantrell , Richard B. Alumni Recognition Award 1978
Carline , Donald E. Stearns Award 1974
Carlson , Delmar R. Norlin Award 1971
Carlson , Devon M. Stearns Award 1977
Carlson , Harry Thomas Jefferson Award 1976
Carlson , Harry G. Stearns Award 1953
Carlson , Harry G. Doctor of Science 1965
Carlson , Ronald J. Alumni Recognition Award 1974
Carlton , Paul K., Jr., Md Doctor of Science 2003
Carpenter , Delph E. University Recognition Medal 1923
Carpenter , Delph E. Doctor of Laws 1927
Carpenter , Farrington Outstanding Colorado Business Award 1952
Carpenter , Farrington R. Distinguished Service Award 1976
Carpenter , M. Helen Stearns Award 1965
Carpenter , M. Scott Norlin Award 1962
Carpenter , M. Scott Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1967
Carpenter , M. Scott Science 2000
Carr , Ralph L. Norlin Award 1933
Carrigan , Jim R. Laws 1989
Carris , Flo W. Distinguished Service Award 1996
Carson , Andrew Carlisle Distinguished Service Award 1919
Carswell , Frank L. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1978
Caruthers , Marvin Honorary Degree 2024
Cascio , Wayne Distinguished Service Award 2022
Casey , William V. Doctor of Education 1927
Cashman , Joyce University Medal 2006
Casotti , Fred Stearns Award 1978
Cass , Allan Stearns Award 1984
Cass , C. F. Alan Alumni Recognition Award 1980
Cass , C.F. Alan Humane Letters 1999
Cassell , Wallace L. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1969
Casteel , Lauren Y. Doctor of Humane Letters 2021
Caughey , Mrs. Judith S. Alumni Recognition Award 1975
Caulkins , Eleanor "Ellie" Newman Humane Letters 2011
Caverno , Charles Doctor of Laws 1891
Cernac , John J. University Medal 2000
Chang , David Honorary Degree 2025
Chapman , Arthur Master of Letters 1917
Chapman , E. Gerry Norlin Award 1943
Chapman , Sydney Doctor of Science 1968
Charles , Sisk Distinguished Service Award 2021
Charles , Robert F. University Medal 1980
Charlton , Kenneth W. Alumni Recognition Award 1972
Charlton , Kenneth W. Athletic Hall of Honor 1980
Chase , George Colby Doctor of Laws 1893
Chauvenet , Regis Doctor of Science 1920
Chavez , Abraham Thomas Jefferson Award 1971
Chavez , Genevieve Trovillion Norlin Award 1975
Chawla , Kalpana Doctor of Science 2000
Chawla , Kalpana Science Posthumously 2003
Chilson , O. Hatfield Norlin Award 1962
Chilson , O. Hatfield Athletic Hall of Honor 1968
Chinn , James Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1973
Cieber , Donald C. Alumni Recognition Award 1968
Cimino , Jay Distinguished Service Award 2018
Clagett , Dr., O. T. Norlin Award 1947
Clagett , O. Theron Doctor of Science 1962
Claman , M.D., Henry N. Science 2014
Clanahan , Denis Alumni Recognition Award 1973
Clark , Casey F. Distinguished Service Award 1988
Clark , Charles Edward Doctor of Laws 1934
Clark , Homer Stearns Award 1986
Clark , Melvin E. Alumni Recognition Award 1962
Clark , Thomas C. Doctor of Laws 1967
Clark. Rosetta H. , Stearns Award 1982
Clyncke , Alice Stearns Award 1970
Coburn , Frances M. Alumni Recognition Award 1962
Coffee , Larry Distinguished Service Award 1987
Coffey , Wallace E. Distinguished Service Award 1990
Coffin , Claude C. Norlin Award 1952
Coffin , Mildred & Berton Stearns Award 1977
Coffin , R. Clare Doctor of Science 1950
Cohen , Joseph W. Stearns Award 1966
Colborn , Theodora (Theo) Emily Decker Science 2011
Coleman , Claudia L. Humane Letters 2001
Coleman , Glenn A. Alumni Recognition Award 1953
Coleman , Matt A. Distinguished Service Award 2000
Coleman , William T. Humane Letters 2001
Colestock , Ruth Stearns Award 1955
Collier , Dr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Norlin Award 1941
Collins , Jery Kail Stearns Award 1986
Collins , Jim Humane Letters 2006
Collins , Judy Distinguished Service Award 1976
Colwell , Robert P. Norlin Award 1979
Conant , Roger Doctor of Science 1971
Conger , John J. Stearns Award 1970
Conger , John Janeway University Medal 1986
Conger , John Janeway Science 1989
Converse , Mary Park University Recognition Medal 1947
Conway-welch , Colleen Humane Letters 1999
Coolbaugh , Melvin F. Doctor of Laws 1927
Coolidge , Lawrence D. Stearns Award 1970
Cooper , Richard H. Alumni Recognition Award 1961
Cooper , William S. Doctor of Science 1961
Coors , William K. Doctor of Humane Letters 1997
Cordova , Susana Distinguished Service Award 2025
Corwin , Richard Warren Doctor of Laws 1905
Costigan , Edward P. Doctor of Laws 1937
Coulson , M.D., Eugene L. (Posthumously) Norlin Award 1982
Coulter , Pearl Parvin Doctor of Science 1970
Counter , James N. Alumni Recognition Award 1959
Cousins , Norman Humane Letters 1980
Cowgill , Ronald H. Alumni Recognition Award 1970
Coyer , Elmer W. Alumni Recognition Award 1967
Craig , William Bayard Doctor of Divinity 1893
Crawford , Dana Hd--humane Letters 1996
Crawford , Ivan C. Doctor of Science 1944
Crawford , Ivan C. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1966
Crawford , Ivan Charles Norlin Award 1950
Crawford , Dana Distinguished Service Award 2023
Crawford Family , Gordon University Medal 2019
Cristofano , Sam M. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1984
Cristol , Stanley University Medal 1985
Cristol , Stanley J. Stearns Award 1971
Crocker , Herbert Samuel Doctor of Science 1934
Crockett , Earl C. Stearns Award 1957
Croft , Huber O. Norlin Award 1963
Croft , Huber O. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1967
Cross , Ethan Allen Doctor of Letters 1939
Crowder , Edwin, R. University Medal 1984
Crown , Patricia University Medal 2020
Crumb , George H. Humane Letters 1999
Crumpacker , D. Wilson Stearns Award 1979
Crumpacker , David W. University Medal 1980
Cruter , Gilbert Alumni Recognition Award 1953
Cruter , Gilbert Norlin Award 1965
Cruter , Gilbert Athletic Hall of Honor 1972
Culpepper , W. Warren Alumni Recognition Award 1973
Curtis , Bly Ewalt Stearns Award 1955
Curtis , Dr. Harry Norlin Award 1930
Curtis , Gloria & Ralph University Medal 1990
Curtis , Harry A. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1966
Curtis , Harry Alfred Doctor of Science 1930
Curtis , M.D., William S. University Medal 1992
Cuthbertson , Stuart Stearns Award 1960
Cutler , James Elbert Doctor of Laws 1934