Honorary Degrees, University Medals and Distinguished Service Awards Full List A-Z

Honorary Degrees

Recognition of outstanding achievement in one or more of the following areas: intellectual contributions, university service, and/or public service.

University Medals

Recognition of those persons whose achievements and contributions are particularly associated with the university.

Distinguished Service Awards

Recognition of achievements and contributions particularly associated with the state and/or nation.

Name Award Year
Sabin , Agnes Bowie Alumni Recognition Award 1963
Sabin , Florence Rena Doctor of Science 1935
Sabin , Florence Rena University Recognition Medal 1947
Sabin , Robert R. (Bud) Alumni Recognition Award 1971
Sadler , Neil Stearns Award 1984
Saidy , Kathleen A. Alumni Recognition Award 1977
Sakmann , Bert Science 1994
Salazar , Lola University Medal 2021
Salazar , Rob University Medal 2021
Salzberg , Kathleen University Medal 2004
Sanborn , Roger A. Distinguished Service Award 1987
Sandene , Erling Distinguished Service Award 1990
Saponas , Thomas Distinguished Service Award 2007
Saponas , Thomas A. University Medal 1986
Sasaki , Hideo Humane Letters 1984
Saunders , Don F. University Medal 1978
Savage , John Lucian Doctor of Engineering 1947
Savell , Isabelle Keating Humane Letters 1984
Sawyer , Dr., Kenneth C. Alumni Recognition Award 1948
Sawyer , Kenneth C. Athletic Hall of Honor 1967
Sawyer , Kenneth C. Norlin Award 1967
Schaafsma , Polly Science 2016
Schaden , Richard Humane Letters 2018
Schelke , Charles V. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1967
Schmidt , Eric W. Distinguished Service Award 1996
Schmidt , Martin F. Stearns Award 1965
Schodt , Eddie W. Norlin Award 1975
Schoenbaum , Sam Humane Letters 1987
Schoolland , John B. University Medal 1979
Schribner , Bert F. Outstanding Colorado Business Award 1937
Schrier , Robert William Hd--science 1996
Schroeder , Patricia Scott "Pat" Doctor of Humane Letters 1997
Schroffel , Bruce University Medal 2014
Schuck , Stephen M. University Medal 1981
Schultz , Norman R. (Posthumously) Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1978
Schultz , Phyllis Weisheit University Medal 1985
Schutte , Thomas F. Norlin Award 1982
Scott , Jr., Austin W. Stearns Award 1966
Scott , M.D., Wendell G. Norlin Award 1971
Scott , Robert K. University Medal 2001
Scott , Wendell Garrison Doctor of Science 1954
Scully , James H., Jr., Md Doctor of Science 2003
Sears , Don W. Stearns Award 1967
Sears , Don W. University Recognition Medal 1975
Seawell , Donald R. Distinguished Service Award 2000
Seebass , A. Richard University Medal 1994
Seidensticker , Edward G. Humane Letters 2001
Selleck , Elizabeth Fay Stearns Award 1956
Sellery , George Clarke Doctor of Laws 1921
Sells , Charles Harvey Doctor of Engineering 1957
Sethman , Harvey T. Alumni Recognition Award 1971
Sethman , Harvey Thurston University Recognition Medal 1948
Sewall , Henry Doctor of Science 1927
Sewell , Joseph Addison Doctor of Laws 1914
Shakhashiri , Bassam Z. Doctor of Science 1992
Shannon , James A. Doctor of Humane Letters 1969
Sharp , James H. University Medal 1979
Shattuck , Burtis B. H. Alumni Recognition Award 1959
Shaw , George H. Alumni Recognition Award 1946
Shearer , Eugene M. Alumni Recognition Award 1965
Sheets , Norman L. Alumni Recognition Award 1957
Shelanski , Herman A. Humane Letters 2018
Shell , John W. University Medal 2003
Shellabarger , Jack B. Alumni Recognition Award 1974
Shepard , Bruce E. Distinguished Service Award 1985
Shepard , David H. Humane Letters 2011
Shephard , Anna O. Doctor of Science 1943
Shephard , Bruce E. University Medal 2002
Shephard , Bruce E. Humane Letters 2004
Sherwood , Jean University Recognition Medal 1937
Shipley , Margaret (Peggy) C. University Medal 1978
Shore , Roy H. M.D. Distinguished Service Award 1994
Shorey , Paul Doctor of Laws 1917
Shreve , Caroline Prouty Alumni Recognition Award 1974
Shreve , Carolyn P. & Theodore N. University Medal 1995
Shryver , Katherine Buckles University Recognition Medal 1945
Shwayder , Fay University Medal 1989
Shwayder , Herschel R. Outstanding Colorado Business Award 1974
Sie , Anna University Medal 2012
Sie , Anna Humane Letters 2017
Sie , John J. University Medal 2012
Sie , John J. Humane Letters 2017
Sie Whitten , Michelle Distinguished Service Award 2019
Siegel , Morris "Mo" Distinguished Service Award 1986
Silver , Harold F. Outstanding Colorado Business Award 1944
Silverman , Lawrence F. University Medal 1978
Simmons , Michael A. Distinguished Service Award 1990
Simons , Williams S. Alumni Recognition Award 1970
Simpson , George G. Doctor of Science 1972
Sink , M. Virginia Norlin Award 1980
Sissel , George A. Distinguished Service Award 2003
Sissel , George A. University Medal 2013
Sissel , Mary R. University Medal 2013
Six , Robert F. Doctor of Science 1974
Skaggs , L.S. Doctor of Science 1992
Slack , Ralph, "Cappy" Alumni Recognition Award 1982
Slocum , William Frederick Doctor of Laws 1915
Small , Clare Hebard Stearns Award 1956
Small , Dennis H. (Posthumously) University Medal 1981
Smead , Ann Honorary Degree 2024
Smiley , Joseph Norlin Award 1969
Smiley , Joseph R. University Medal 1987
Smiley , William Henry Doctor of Laws 1913
Smith , Aladeen Stearns Award 1985
Smith , Albert E. Alumni Recognition Award 1965
Smith , Apollo M. O. Doctor of Science 1975
Smith , Brenda J. University Medal 1996
Smith , Brenda J. Distinguished Service Award 2003
Smith , Donald D. University Medal 1988
Smith , Earlene Marie University Medal 1981
Smith , Hallett D. Doctor of Humane Letters 1968
Smith , Hobart Stearns Award 1981
Smith , Johnny Humane Letters 1986
Smith , Margaret Mendenhall University Recognition Medal 1951
Smith , Margaret Tasher Distinguished Service Award 1984
Smith , Morgan Distinguished Service Award 1984
Smith , Roger V. Alumni Recognition Award 1978
Smith , Rozella B. Science 1982
Smith , Walter W. Alumni Recognition Award 1968
Smith , William V.S. Alumni Recognition Award 1967
Smyth , M.D., Charley Johnson Science 1988
Smythe , Peter Alumni Recognition Award 1971
Smythe , Peter D. University Medal 1979
Snyder , Gary Distinguished Service Award 1992
Sokol , Louis F. Distinguished Service Award 1991
Solich , George H. University Medal 2012
Solomon , Susan Doctor of Science 1993
Sorenson , Royal W. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1966
Sorenson , Royal Wasson Doctor of Science 1938
Soto , Julissa Distinguished Service Award 2023
Spackman , W. M. University Medal 1985
Spears , Lorraine University Medal 2006
Spencer , Gilman F. Humane Letters 1994
Spencer , Robert "Bill" Alumni Recognition Award 1973
Spencer , Robert W. Alumni Recognition Award 1966
Spencer , Robert W. Athletic Hall of Honor 1977
Spender , Sir Percy Claude Doctor of Laws 1953
Spengler , Robert I Alumni Recognition Award 1975
Spitz , Rene A. Doctor of Science 1970
Sprague , Marshall Humane Letters 1978
Spurlock , Benjamin H. Stearns Award 1976
Srivastava , Ashok Distinguished Service Award 2025
Stafford , Jean Doctor of Humane Letters 1972
Stafford , Miss Jean Wilson Norlin Award 1956
Stahl , Karl H. Stearns Award 1969
Stanton , Timothy William Doctor of Science 1924
Starzl , Thomas E. Stearns Award 1976
Starzl , Thomas E., Md Science 1998
Stavely , Dan Stearns Award 1979
Stearns , Mrs. Robert L. Alumni Recognition Award 1951
Stearns , Robert L. Norlin Award 1940
Stearns , Robert L. Alumni Recognition Award 1966
Stearns , Robert Lawrence Doctor of Laws 1954
Steele , Brandt F. Distinguished Service Award 1982
Stein , Sandra & Marvin Distinguished Service Award 1994
Steinhauer , George N. Alumni Recognition Award 1971
Stepanek , Joseph E. Norlin Award 1977
Stern , David M. Science 2000
Stewart , B. M. University Medal 1985
Stewart , Mary Master of Letters 1927
Stewart , Omer C. Stearns Award 1975
Stiles , Lindley Joseph University Recognition Medal 1958
Stokes , Thomas C. Alumni Recognition Award 1977
Storer , Todd C. Alumni Recognition Award 1935
Storke , Frederic P. Stearns Award 1960
Stovall , John A. Distinguished Service Award 1982
Strait , A. Marvin Distinguished Service Award 1998
Strauss , Henry Humane Letters 2018
Streamer , A. Camp Doctor of Engineering 1946
Streamer , A. Camp Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1967
Stubbs , Donald S. Alumni Recognition Award 1975
Stubbs , Jr., Frank W. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1969
Suka , Sidney Alumni Recognition Award 1966
Sullivan , George L. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1968
Summers , Claude M. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1977
Sutley , Melvin L. Alumni Recognition Award 1951
Sutton , Leonard V.B. Laws 1990
Suzzalo , Henry Doctor of Laws 1930
Swain , Francis E. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1970
Swanson , Alvin D. Alumni Recognition Award 1974
Swanson , Alvin D. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1975
Swedish , Joseph R. University Medal 2003
Sweeney , Robert F. Distinguished Service Award 2001
Swigert , John L. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1971
Swigert , John Leonard Athletic Hall of Honor 1970
Swigert , Jr., John L. University Recognition Medal 1970
Swisher , Earl Alumni Recognition Award 1965