News & Resources

Three new regents elected in November 2020.
CU Connections

Voters send Rennison, Spiegel, Chavez to Board of Regents

Candidates Callie Rennison, Ilana Spiegel and Nolbert Chavez were elected to six-year terms, which they’ll begin serving after they take their oaths of office in January. Once seated, the new board will see its Republican majority flip to Democratic (5-4) for the first time since 1980.
Image of sweeping vista
CU Connections

CU Develops First Systemwide Lands Acknowledgement Statement

Initiated by the CU Board of Regents, the university has its first systemwide statement acknowledging that the lands where the four campuses are located were originally home to Indigenous peoples.
Chip Benight
CU On the Air Podcast

True GRIT provides resilience training in coronavirus crisis

UCCS Professor Chip Benight researches the human adaptation from trauma. His work is focused on recovery from natural disasters including things like the coronavirus pandemic as well as manmade disasters, accident trauma, violence, bereavement and more.
Timberley Roane
CU Connections

STEM educator’s far-reaching impact recognized with Chase Faculty Community Service Award

CU Denver’s Timberley Roane passionately supports Native American/American Indian community.
Research dollars
CU Connections

University of Colorado tops $1 billion in sponsored research funding for fourth consecutive year

Federal, state, international, foundation entities awarded over $1.4 billion for CU innovation.
Business diversity PhD
CU Connections

CU Business School Deans Introduce CU Diverse Doctorates in Business

Cross-campus collaborative open to underrepresented undergraduates.
Staff appreciation
CU Connections

University of Colorado Staff Council Celebrates Excellence Across System

The CU staff members – two from each campus and from system administration – received the governance group’s Excellence Awards, which annually recognize those who go above and beyond their job duties and consistently surpass expectations.
Engineering Center

New Engineering Research Center Aims for Sustainable Electric Transportation

Researchers at UCCS will play a key role in a multi-institutional effort, funded by a renewable $26 million National Science Foundation grant, to develop an international research center dedicated to advancing sustainable and electrified transportation.
Thomas Jefferson
CU Connections

CU Community Members Honored for Multi-Faceted Leadership

Three University of Colorado community members have been named recipients of the 2020 Thomas Jefferson Award, among the highest honors bestowed at the state’s largest institution of higher education.
Diversity Summit

2020 Fall Diversity and Inclusion Summit

Under the theme “Inclusion, Resilience and Service,” summit participants will on Nov. 10 explore the multiple intersecting events effecting our immediate community, because they are impacting our broader community.
Diversity report

Report on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Efforts at the University of Colorado

This meeting was held on Aug. 4, 2020, during which university leaders, including President Mark Kennedy, Chief Diversity Officer Theodosia Cook, and the campus chancellors, presented on recent activities and future plans to advance DEI at CU.
CU Regents Approve Flat Tuition, No Pay Raises

CU Regents Approve Flat Tuition, No Pay Raises

Most University of Colorado students will not see an increase in tuition next year and most employees will not get a raise. CU’s Board of Regents on Tuesday voted to not raise tuition and to not increase employee pay next year during a regular meeting held over Zoom.
Tuition Guarantee

Tuition Guarantee

CU Boulder provides a high-quality educational experience backed by predictable four-year tuition for all of our undergraduate students.
Changes to tuition

Revisions to systemwide policy on special tuition status implemented

The Office of Policy and Efficiency (OPE) has announced the revisions to APS8012-Special Tuition Status have now been implemented, effective Sept. 10, 2020.
Roma Sur, M.A.
CU Connections

Champions of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Honored

Award recognizes significant achievements of university community members in developing a culturally and intellectually diverse university community reflective of inclusive excellence.
Faculty Council meeting with regents
CU Connections

Regents to Faculty: Critical Weeks Ahead

Faculty Council group hears from leaders during year’s first meeting.
Regents seal

CU Boulder, Colorado’s flagship state university, earns FIRE’s highest rating for free speech

The University of Colorado Boulder revised its policies on free expression to earn the top free speech rating from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.
State economy
CU Connections

University of Colorado Strengthens State’s Economy

New study: CU impact totaled $14.2 billion in FY2019.
CU Board of Regents meeting

Board Given Update on Diversity Resolution

The CU Board of Regents did not vote on a proposed resolution that had been referred to its Governance and University Affairs committees last month, noting that it was up to the committees to bring it to the full board.
Group photo from August's regents meetnig
CU Connections

Regents hear progress report on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts

Current and future efforts to address issues of diversity, equity and inclusion within the University of Colorado community are broad and deep, CU leadership reported to members of the Board of Regents.
President Kennedy speaks with the regents about diversity

CU's Commitment to Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

CU President Kennedy spoke with the CU Board of Regents about efforts to address civil rights concerns at the joint meeting of the regents' Governance and University Affairs Committees.
CU on the Air: Greater need for equality
CU On the Air Podcast

African Americans, allies confront racism, health disparities

CU on the Air discusses police brutality against African Americans, protests underway across the U.S., and African Americans dying of COVID-19 in disproportionate numbers with Theodosia Cook, CU chief diversity officer.
Regents Vote to Hold Tuition, Compensation Flat

Regents vote to hold tuition, compensation flat

The Board of Regents on Tuesday voted to hold tuition flat for resident undergraduates across the system, as well as for most nonresident students, as campuses look toward fall enrollment with uncertainty.
College affordability

CU helping students minimize debt, maximize return on investment

Loan default rate among CU students with debt is markedly lower than state, national averages.