Honorary Degrees, University Medals and Distinguished Service Awards Full List A-Z

Honorary Degrees

Recognition of outstanding achievement in one or more of the following areas: intellectual contributions, university service, and/or public service.

University Medals

Recognition of those persons whose achievements and contributions are particularly associated with the university.

Distinguished Service Awards

Recognition of achievements and contributions particularly associated with the state and/or nation.

Name Award Year
Imhoff , Georgia R. Humane Letters 1999
Imig , Warner Stearns Award 1964
Imig Warner , Humane Letters 2004
Ingraham , Elizabeth Wright Humane Letters 1995
Ireland , Bess Alumni Recognition Award 1972
Ireland , Clarence Athletic Hall of Honor 1986
Ireland , Clarence L. Alumni Recognition Award 1972
Irey , Charlotte Y. Thomas Jefferson Award 1980
Irvin , Hale Distinguished Service Award 1976
Irwin , Jr., Hale S. Athletic Hall of Honor 1975
Irwin , Mabel Stearns Award 1976
Isaak , Robert D. Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award 1972
Ivans , Marsha Doctor of Science 2000